Are you considering getting braces to straighten your teeth? You’re not alone!
Braces are one of the most common forms of orthodontic treatment, and they can do wonders for improving your smile and boosting your self-esteem.
A beautiful smile with neat teeth is one of the essential criteria for facial beauty. There are different methods to arrange the teeth, which in addition to improving the appearance of the smile design, can help the health of the teeth and easier compliance with their hygiene.
It is necessary to know that misaligned teeth cause jaw displacement, pressure on gum tissue and gum diseases, and tooth loss.
Unfortunately, not everyone is born with a charming and charming smile, but fortunately, a beautiful smile can be acquired, and there are various ways to achieve a perfect and dreamy smile.
In this article from drhealthandbeauty, we’ll answer all your questions about braces, from what they are to how they work, and how much they cost.
There are no more than four general ways to align teeth:
One of the central and essential tools and devices needed in orthodontic treatment is a brace consisting of different components such as brackets, wire, braces, and orthodontic elastics and has different types.
Braces are generally divided into five categories, and this division is done according to the degree of visibility, location, and manner of placement, as well as the type of braces and brackets.
Types of braces:
One of the affordable and practical braces that most people are familiar with is metal. All wires and brackets are made of metal and fixed-color steel in this type of brace. They have advantages and disadvantages that we mention below:
Another type of orthodontic brace is a transparent ceramic brace. Due to high transparency, they are invisible and cannot be seen well.
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Ceramic braces are mainly used for those sensitive to the visibility of orthodontic wires and brackets and do not want their face and smile to be disturbed. These braces have various advantages and disadvantages, which we mention below:
Another type of orthodontic brace is the lingual or back tooth brace, which is entirely similar to metal type.
The only difference between this brace and a metal brace is that it is installed secretly; instead of in the front of the jaw and on the teeth, it is installed in the back of the jaw and behind the teeth. This brace also has various advantages and disadvantages that we will mention below.
Another type of orthodontic brace is the advanced Damon brace, which has unique and advanced technology and is automatically adjusted. Today, most orthodontists use this type of brace.
In this type of brace, brackets with a clip or door system are used instead of elastic. They are available in ceramic and metal types but may only suit some patients. They have various advantages and disadvantages, which we will mention below:
This brace is custom-made and, according to accurate calculations, uses clear and moving plastic layers, and it gradually straightens crooked and untidy teeth.
They do not need to be changed and adjusted to tighten continuously and are changed once every two weeks.
Invisible braces do not have brackets and orthodontic wires, so it is easier to maintain oral hygiene in this type of brace. These braces also have various advantages and disadvantages that we will explain below:
In order to install an orthodontic brace, you must go through the steps that we will describe in this section:
The best time to use orthodontics is when the milk teeth have fallen and most permanent teeth have grown.
This time is usually between 10 and 14 years old. However, the exact time depends on the child’s teeth and jaw condition. Each person’s teeth differ, so no specific age is best for orthodontics.
The two main factors are the presence of adult teeth and the eruption of molars at the age of 12.
Dentists and orthodontists provide very different services but are both oral and dental specialists.
It is essential to know that most orthodontists believe that a child should have an orthodontic evaluation around age seven; therefore, even if your child May not need braces until age 10-14, best to have an initial evaluation around age 7.
However, orthodontics is not limited to children. If you could not do orthodontics as a child or in it, you can do it as an adult. If you are concerned that traditional metal brackets are too visible, invisible orthodontics is an excellent option.
In this method, you use a series of clear plastic aligners that you can remove from your mouth to eat, drink, and brush your teeth.
With fast teeth braces, treatment is typically about 50% faster than regular fixed braces.
Treatment time depends on the case’s complexity; minor cases may be completed within three months, while more complex cases usually take between 10 and 12 months.
Quick braces work differently than regular fixed braces; typically, fixed braces move the veneers and then the root portion of the teeth.
Rapid braces move the root portion of the teeth from day one, meaning the entire tooth moves together, dramatically reducing treatment time.
Quick braces use triangular brackets, not square brackets, which increase the flexibility of the wire, and only one wire is used, so the brace is slim and light.
Rapid Treatment Braces technology is fast, safe, easy, and cost-effective, using the patented triangular design of the braces, edge-cutting techniques, and special heat-activated wire, revolutionizing the field of orthodontics.
The price of orthodontic treatment depends on various factors. These factors include geographic location, expertise and experience of the orthodontist, the type of orthodontics chosen, the time required for treatment, and the amount of compensation and correction of dental problems.
Orthodontic expenses include claims for related appointments and meetings, orthodontic devices, and diagnostic processes such as photography.
For more detailed information about the price of orthodontics for four front teeth, it is recommended to consult an orthodontist to get the best price estimate based on your specific case.
In general, the cost of orthodontics depends on various factors, and it is impossible to say precisely which method is cheaper. However, removable orthodontic methods are cheaper than fixed orthodontics.
The cost of lingual orthodontics is more than the usual method of fixed orthodontics. Like Damon and ceramic systems, lingual prices exceed regular fixed orthodontics.
Indeed, this method has a high value in giving you a beautiful smile, and orthodontic braces are viral thanks to their effectiveness in correcting dental malocclusions.
However, it is better to check this issue with your dentist, considering your general condition, before deciding to start treatment.
Dental orthodontics is by no means a dangerous treatment method. Dentists would not perform this treatment for anyone if it were supposed to be a complication to arrange the teeth.
We have no such thing as orthodontic complications, but we have advantages and disadvantages like any other dental procedure.
Dental orthodontics has many advantages and may have minor disadvantages or disadvantages in some cases and for some clients, which it is better to familiarize yourself with before deciding to start the treatment:
As you have read, orthodontics has no side effects, and there are only a few negative and minor points about it.
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However, the main problem is when we do not perform orthodontic treatment despite the teeth needing to be in order. It is not doing orthodontics that is dangerous, not the order of the teeth.
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Specialized dental orthodontics is one of the subcategories of dental science, which is the science of pairing irregular teeth and the problems related to pairing teeth with dental.
braces as an Orthodontic treatment are performed to establish a better relationship between teeth and jaws. With these treatments, we not only achieve more beauty, but we can also prevent more caries due to misalignment and overlapping of some teeth or distance between teeth by observing hygiene.
By putting the teeth in their place and creating correct jaw relations, this method causes better pronunciation of letters and words by the patient and, ultimately, his presence in society with confidence.
Due to the many treatments and the variety of oral and dental conditions, you should see a dentist to determine whether you need braces because alternative treatments are possible.
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Dr. Majid Zohrabi started treating his patients in Dubai in 2022 and continues his activities in private medical centers in the UAE.
2 Responses
The article information was really helpful but Is there an easier way to straighten teeth than braces? the thought of having an extra thing in my mouth for a while bothers me
Thank you for your cooperation
there are several alternatives that are designed to be more comfortable and less visible than traditional braces, including:
1. Clear aligners
2. Lingual braces
3. Lingual brackets
4. In-office orthodontic treatments
Each of these alternatives has its own benefits and drawbacks.
We will discuss each of them in an article as soon as possible.