
What is the cause of tooth sensitivity after laminate

What Is The Cause Of Tooth Sensitivity After Laminate?

The content of this article is approved by “drhealthandbeauty” experts.
Note: This article is only to guide and increase your knowledge. Before taking any action, you can consult “drhealthandbeauty” doctors or your doctor for treatment.

Many people seek cosmetic dental treatment using dental lamination. Laminations are known as an effective solution to cover the visible defects of the teeth. This method usually covers discoloration, lip filling, wear, or minor misalignment in teeth. This can also be a convenient and practical solution for people who have yellow teeth while brushing them every day.

After installing dental laminates, some people may experience tooth sensitivity to cold and hot foods.

Tooth sensitivity is discomfort when consuming hot and cold foods and drinks. Even sweet or spicy tastes may increase tooth sensitivity. Whatever the cause, this sensitivity usually occurs shortly after the laminate is installed. Still, fortunately, it usually disappears after a week.

When installing dental veneers, a part of the tooth enamel is cut to prevent the veneers from looking bad. This shaving may cause temporary teeth sensitivity to cold and hot foods. However, the value of having a beautiful smile can make this temporary sensitivity tolerable.

Table of Contents
What is the cause of tooth sensitivity after laminate 05

What are the causes of tooth sensitivity after lamination of teeth?

Tooth sensitivity after laminate can have various reasons. Loss of tooth enamel and improper placement on the teeth can cause this. The important thing is that the pain is temporary and can usually be limited with mild pain medication and other precautions.

  • Loss of tooth enamel

    As you know, laminate coating is one of the dental beauty services that requires the removal of tooth enamel. 

The first and most prominent cause of tooth sensitivity after lamination is the loss of tooth enamel. Before placing your laminate veneer, the dentist will shave about 0.5mm of enamel to flush the cap with the rest of the teeth. 

This can cause short-term sensitivity as the underlying nerve is compressed. After the initial sensitivity wears off, you may still experience some degree of sensitivity to cold or heat because there is less enamel covering the dental nerves.


  • Improper bite of teeth

    Improper bite is another leading cause of tooth sensitivity after laminate. After receiving the veneers, most patients take a few days to adjust their bite. Improper biting can lead to irritation and increased sensitivity, but this problem usually corrects itself after a few days. 

When people have trouble adjusting their bite, they can talk to their dentist. Dentists may be able to fix the problem with just a few minor adjustments.


Duration of sensitivity after dental lamination

For most patients, the sensitivity and problems with the origin of the laminate, for whatever reason, will decrease within one to two weeks. However, in sporadic cases, it is possible for patients to experience long-term problems with laminate veneers.

It is better to watch out for the following symptoms and inform your dentist if you see them:

  • Pain or tenderness that lasts more than two weeks.

    If the pain and sensitivity caused by veneer placement lasts more than two weeks, it can be a sign of a more severe problem. For example, the tooth under the veneer may have decay or a cavity.

Related: “Which Treatment Is Best For A Tooth Cavity?


  • Unexplained toothache under the composite

    If the tooth under the composite hurts for no reason and you also have symptoms of sensitivity, it may be a sign of decay.


  • Loosening of composite veneer

    In some cases, tooth sensitivity appears along with loosening of the veneer, which must be checked by a dentist.


  • Unaligned veneers

    If you feel that the laminate veneer is not aligned well and you cannot place the teeth on top of each other as before, visit the dentist to correct it. This problem is usually associated with tooth sensitivity.


  • Composite cracking

    If you notice cracks on the laminate veneer at the same time as tooth sensitivity, you must visit your dentist for an examination.

If the mentioned symptoms continue and do not subside, you need to talk to your dentist immediately.

What is the cause of tooth sensitivity after laminate 06

Why is tooth sensitivity not resolved after laminate?

This is a challenging question that many clients face, unfortunately, and they have to look for the root in the conditions of their teeth and the center that performed the laminate.

When the specialist molds and makes a laminate, he must carefully check the condition of the teeth so that there is no damage or decay in them. 

The presence of a damaged and decayed tooth, even if it is a small amount and lack of accuracy in the examinations, causes this decayed and infected tooth to suffer more damage after laminate, but because it is not visible, it only transmits pain and sensitivity to the person.

The second reason is the amount of sharpening that is done for the teeth before laminate. Sometimes, due to the misalignment of the teeth or the lack of expertise and ability of the dentist, the amount of tooth shaving becomes more than the specified limit and causes tooth enamel to be lost. 

In this case, upon contact with the most minor hot or cold substance, the tooth will react, and the person will feel pain.

The third reason is a lack of oral hygiene. After laminate, the level of hygiene should be much higher than before the treatment because the edges of the laminate are an excellent place to get scale. Also, the space between the laminate veneer and the tooth, which is filled with glue, changes color over time and becomes cloudy. 

This clogging of mass causes tooth decay and damage and, as a result, causes infection and sensitivity.

The following reason for eating very hot or iced food and drinks in the first days after lamination: if you do not observe in the first few days and use very hot or icy food and beverages, the shaved tooth will unconsciously show more sensitivity and damage. 

To see, Therefore, in the first week after laminate, lukewarm drinks and foods should be used.

In some cases, not installing the laminate correctly on the teeth and its deviation also causes problems and sensitivities.

These reasons cause tooth sensitivity to be high after laminate.

How is long-term sensitivity treated after composite?

If this sensitivity increases over time, it is necessary to go to the dentist’s office to check the cause and treat it. Some of the treatment methods that are performed according to the cause of the problem include the following:

  • Treatment of gum and tooth problems

    If the dentist did not check the oral health properly before the restoration by installing a composite on a decayed tooth or with gum problems, it can be the cause of dental pain and  long-term sensitivity. 

Related: “How Do I Know What Kind Of Toothache I Have?

In this situation, the composite is removed from the tooth, and after the restoration and necessary treatments, a new composite will be installed on that tooth.


  • Composite Polishing

    If the sensitivity is caused by improper installation or proper polishing of the composite, the dentist will solve these problems by taking the necessary measures.


What can be done to prevent tooth sensitivity after lamination?

The first and most crucial step is to refer to the best specialist to do laminate. When the specialist has the experience, ability, and proper equipment, he prepares the teeth for bonding the laminate with the least amount of grinding and prevents the loss of tooth enamel. 

In this condition, the teeth will no longer be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, and if there is a small amount of sensitivity, it will be resolved in the first week.

The second case is the complete treatment and restoration of all teeth before laminate. When you apply for laminate, a professional specialist will not ignore the most minor problems in the teeth and will prescribe a complete treatment.

The third measure is not to consume very hot or icy foods and drinks in the first few days after laminate, which causes increased sensitivity and damage to the teeth.

The fourth is the use of hypoallergenic toothpaste. These toothpastes solve the problem of local pain caused by tooth sensitivity to a large extent, and the person will feel good. On the other hand, they can help ypu to To Keep Healthy Oral Microbiome.

Related: “Cavity Conundrum? Best Toothpaste To Reverse Cavities

By observing these things, you can enjoy the laminate treatment and not have any discomfort or regret due to the pain and sensitivity of the laminate treatment.

Frequently asked questions

Is tooth sensitivity normal after lamination?

This short-term complication usually occurs for most people who undergo this procedure and is nothing to worry about. But if it persists for a long time, it may be a sign of another problem.

When should I seriously consider the sensitivity after laminate veneer installation?

If this issue lasts more than two weeks and is accompanied by symptoms such as persistent pain, you should visit the dentist’s office.

Can I take medicine to reduce sensitivity after dental lamination?

Painkillers cannot reduce tooth sensitivity. But if you feel a lot of pain and discomfort, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers. It should be noted that if this period lasts more than a few days (about four days), it is better to inform your dentist.

What foods are effective in reducing sensitivity after laminate installation?

For the first few days, if you have a balanced diet, you will help reduce your sensitivity. Among the valuable foods in this period of time we can mention mashed potatoes, bananas, soft bread, bananas, white rice, eggs, etc.

What foods can increase tooth sensitivity after lamination?

These include very hot or cold foods and drinks, citrus fruits, limes, crunchy foods, spicy and peppery foods, sticky foods, and acidic foods.

Sensitivity after lamination is typical for how many days?

It is usual for this sensitivity to remain for one to two weeks. But if it takes longer than that, it is better to visit a dental clinic.

What toothpaste should I use to reduce sensitivity after lamination?

Use hypoallergenic toothpaste containing potassium nitrate with a suitable toothbrush. It should be noted that after eating and drinking acidic foods and drinks, wait a little before brushing your teeth.

Immediate teeth Brushing after eating acidic foods may make your teeth more sensitive. also it can be one of The Cause Of Tooth Decay Despite Brushing.

Should gum sensitivity to laminate be taken seriously?

In some cases, the sensitivity to laminate materials may be due to a person’s allergic reaction to these materials, or another reason may cause it. Although most of the time, this complication does not indicate a serious problem; you should still discuss the issue with your dentist.

What is the cause of tooth sensitivity after laminate 07


If you are also a candidate for lamination for your teeth, you should know that tooth sensitivity after lamination is one of the natural side effects of this treatment method.

The reason for that can be the amount of teeth sharpening to perform lamination or the improper bite of the teeth. But the most important thing is that you should note that the duration of this complication after tooth lamination should not be extended. 

Therefore, if the sensitivity of your teeth lasts for a long time after lamination, you should take it seriously and see a doctor for treatment.

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Author and specialist

Dr. Majid Zahrabi,


  • Board Certified Neurosurgeon
  • DHA certificate holder
  • Plantation certificate holder, France
  • Certified holder of Discogol, France
  • A pioneer in the non-surgical treatment of disc herniation in the Middle East and CIS countries.
  • Under the training and coaching of Professor Jacques Theron (founder of Discogel Therapy) since 2008
  • More than 400 successful cervical and 1300 lumbar discogel injections
  • Trained and certified several neurosurgeons and spine surgeons in the Middle East and CIS countries for the treatment of Discogel
  • Strong belief in patient-centered care planning and participation
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Imam Khomeini and Amir Mazandarani Hospital, Sari, Iran, with more than 430 surgeries annually, 2000-2011
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Farmaniyeh, Nikan and Yas Sepid Hospital, Tehran, Iran, with more than 400 surgeries annually, 2011-2012
  • Neurosurgeon at Iranian Hospital, Dubai, 2022-2023
  • Since 2015, he has been working as a reference doctor for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with Discogel and has trained many doctors of spine-related specialties in various countries of the Middle East and CIS in person/practically and online.



  • Individual training sessions under the direct supervision of Professor Jacques Theron in Discogel treatment, 2008-2020
  • Training sessions under the supervision of Professor Thierry Boye on spinal implants, 2007
  • Participation and presentation in several national and international medical and neuro-spinal conferences
  • Board certificate by Iran Neurosurgery Board, 2001
  • Neurosurgery assistant training course, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, 1996-2001 (In 2001, he graduated from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with the first rank in the country.
  • His thesis the titled:The Application of human amniotic membrane in repair of dura matter in dogs.” ( It was happening for the first time in the world. )
  • General medical education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, 1984-1993


Published books:

  • CT scan of the brain for doctors
  • Etiology and treatment of painful spine disorders
  • Atlas of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of spine disorders
  • The most common mistakes in the treatment of spinal disorders
  • Reading brain CT scan in simple language (3rd place in the book of the year)
  • Treatment of head and spine injuries

Publications and articles:

  • Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of DISCOGEL® (https://www.researchgate.net/)
  • Muscle recovery, reduction of pain, and improvement of movement strategies in patients with lumbar discopathy after injection of Discogel.
  • The article on the initial results of the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection, which won the second-best poster rank at the Pan Arab International Congress of Interventional Radiology (March 14-16, 2015) and was accepted for presentation at the Chicago Pain Congress.
  • The use of human amniotic membrane in dura mater repair in dogs, a study for the first time in the world.



  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2019
  • Chicago International Pain Congress, 2019
  • Iran International Pain Management Congress, 2018
  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2018
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Armenia for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2017
  • First Live Workshop and Seminar on Minimally Invasive Disc Therapy (DISCON), 2017
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Azerbaijan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • Seminar of Iranian official managers, 2016
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Tajikistan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • International Neurological Intervention Congress in Iran, 2014
  • Educational seminar for nurses on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Educational seminar for general practitioners on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Speech at the Retraining Seminar for General Practitioners and Specialists in Dubai (Discon) in 2017
  • Speech in the internal retraining courses of Irani Hospital, Dubai
  • Holding lecture sessions and practical workshops on the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Oman, and Armenia during the years 2015 to 2021.
  • Giving a lecture and holding a practical workshop for neurosurgeons in Vietnam at Ho Chi Minh City University in 2023

Dr. Majid Zohrabi started treating his patients in Dubai in 2022 and continues his activities in private medical centers in the UAE.