
How To Get Rid Of Bruxism Forever؟

How To Get Rid Of Bruxism Forever؟

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Bruxism is a problematic condition that you may suffer from. Grinding, grinding, and involuntary teeth grinding do not always show symptoms in ways that are immediately visible. Grinding teeth can cause headaches, jaw pain, and even broken teeth, mainly at night. You should know what teeth grinding, its common signs and symptoms are, and how the dentist can help you eliminate it!

If you often have jaw pain and headaches, and your partner complains about keeping them awake with loud teeth grinding, you are suffering from teeth grinding. Teeth grinding is not just an inconvenience. Controlling it can cause severe damage, but do not worry! We are with you. From symptoms to solutions, here is what you need to know about teeth grinding.

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What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is grinding or clenching the teeth, a parafunctional and involuntary activity. Grinding teeth is a medical term used to define this disease. Although teeth grinding is more common during sleep, sufferers can continue grinding while awake. This situation is not a threat if it happens occasionally. However, if it happens regularly, it can have severe consequences.

It may be because you grind your teeth in your sleep. This condition, also known as bruxism, may occur due to work stress or heavy drinking. Sometimes this condition can also be seen in growing toddlers when they are teething.

bruxism in sleep

What are the causes of bruxism?

Grinding teeth can occur as a result of several factors. The most common causes are:

  1. Anxiety: People who face stress and anxiety are more likely to develop this condition. ( If you are also involved in it, we suggest you read the article “Sertraline“. )
  2. Medications: In some instances, teeth grinding is a side effect of prescription medications such as antidepressants.
  3. Sleep disorders: If you snore or have trouble falling asleep, you are more prone to grinding your teeth during sleep. ( In that regard reading the article “How To Cure Sleep Disorder” will be useful.
  4. Sleep paralysis: This phenomenon leads to temporary immobility when falling asleep or waking up. Sleep paralysis can also lead to teeth grinding.
  5. Smoking and drinking: Using tobacco and drinking alcohol are other factors that stimulate teeth grinding.
  6. Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee can also increase the risk of teeth grinding. Because teeth grinding usually occurs during sleep, it may go unnoticed until symptoms appear.
causes of bruxism

Symptoms of teeth grinding

According to the Teeth Grinding Association, the most common symptoms of teeth grinding are headaches and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort. The Grinding Association says that people who grind their teeth are three times more likely to have headaches.

These symptoms are often associated with oral symptoms such as abnormal tooth wear, tooth fracture, inflammation, and gingivitis.

  • Increased tooth sensitivity due to decreased tooth enamel
  • Jaw pain or muscle cramps around the jaw
  • Teeth clenching and losing teeth
  • The headache starts from the temples
  • Earache
  • Frequent headaches
  • Pain in facial muscles
  • Straight and cut teeth
  • Tooth enamel is worn away
  • Jaw muscles are stiff and painful
  • Clenching or grinding your teeth hard, which may wake you up.

Bruxism and grinding teeth have many symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of other complications. Also, because teeth grinding or grinding usually occurs during sleep, it can be challenging to know if you are doing it. Talk to your dentist if you notice any combination of symptoms.


Related: ‘What To Do With Tooth Sensitivity

bruxism and headache

How can bruxism be treated?

If you suspect you grind your teeth at night, visit your doctor and report the symptoms. A dental hygienist is also trained to recognize common signs and symptoms. The good news is that you can get rid of one of the biggest causes of teeth grinding right now with these tips:

  • be relaxed

People with grinding teeth press their teeth together due to stress or anxiety. Relax before going to bed. Take a hot shower, read your favorite book, and do meditation exercises. These actions make you leave the negativity of the game and relax. This is the easiest (and cheapest!) way to treat and remove teeth grinding.

reading before sleep
  • Use a night guard

If you still grind your teeth, talk to your dentist about using a night guard or mandibular advancement appliances. A night guard, also known as a mouth guard, splint, or occlusal appliance, is placed over your teeth and can protect your teeth from bruxism while reducing jaw muscle pain. Night guards are available over the counter or custom-made by your dentist. Although custom mouthguards can be more expensive, they may be a better option depending on the severity of your grinding. Talk to your dentist about the best option for your Get Rid.

night guard for bruxism

Mandibular Advancement Appliances To Get Rid Of Bruxism

Mandibular advancement devices are special devices that move your lower jaw forward while you sleep. These are ideal for treating teeth grinding, most likely caused by a sleep disorder. These devices also help control snoring and sleep apnea. Unfortunately, no night guard or device can cure your teeth grinding. However, these devices can prevent the consequences of teeth grinding.

If grinding teeth leads to broken fillings, crowns, wear, or fracture, the dentist will repair the fillings and crowns. Dentists may recommend orthodontic treatment to adjust the bite or correct tooth misalignment. Stress reduction techniques are another option you can start today!

Ending teeth grinding can reliably help reduce pain, preserve teeth and smile. Talk to your dentist to find the best treatment for you.

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How can I prevent bruxism from recurring in the future?

Stress and anxiety that you face in your daily life can lead to teeth grinding in your sleep. One of the best ways to eliminate bruxism is to do relaxing activities. Incorporating yoga and exercise into your daily routine can help improve the functioning of your immune system and circulation. Regular exercise relieves stress and anxiety, while yoga and meditation help calm your mind and body. You can exercise or do yoga 3-4 times weekly to relax your muscles and prevent tooth wear naturally.

Yoga for Bruxism

The right balance of vitamins and minerals is essential to help your body function properly. The lack of them causes various health problems, including stress and anxiety. Vitamins such as vitamin C and B complex are essential for proper adrenal function and stress management. Any vitamin deficiency may lead to frequent mood swings and increased mental stress.

Similarly, deficiencies in minerals such as calcium and magnesium can lead to insomnia, hyperactivity, anxiety, and restlessness. These nutrient deficiencies can exacerbate teeth-grinding symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to consult your doctor and restore these deficiencies, if any.

A gentle massage before bed helps reduce stress after a long day. It also helps relax your muscles and induces sleep. Therefore, the relaxing effects of a simple massage can significantly help treat and get rid of grinding teeth.

Drug Therapy to Get Rid Of Bruxism

Standard drug treatment methods include:

  • Muscle relaxants
  • botox injection
  • A drug that reduces stress and anxiety
massage for Bruxism


Bruxism is a common sleep disorder called teeth grinding or pressing them hard. For various reasons, this problem occurs in about 10% of adults and 15% of children.

If you regularly grind your teeth together while sleeping, you probably have bruxism. Managing stress and anxiety may help reduce or prevent teeth grinding in susceptible individuals. The National Sleep Foundation considers good hygiene, including a calm, dark, quiet, and peaceful room for sleep, without television, computer, and other work-related items, effective in eliminating teeth grinding.

Experts suggest that you relax and do relaxing activities in the hours before bed; these activities may include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to music. If the child has bruxism, a pediatrician can help the child.

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Author and specialist

Dr. Majid Zahrabi,


  • Board Certified Neurosurgeon
  • DHA certificate holder
  • Plantation certificate holder, France
  • Certified holder of Discogol, France
  • A pioneer in the non-surgical treatment of disc herniation in the Middle East and CIS countries.
  • Under the training and coaching of Professor Jacques Theron (founder of Discogel Therapy) since 2008
  • More than 400 successful cervical and 1300 lumbar discogel injections
  • Trained and certified several neurosurgeons and spine surgeons in the Middle East and CIS countries for the treatment of Discogel
  • Strong belief in patient-centered care planning and participation
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Imam Khomeini and Amir Mazandarani Hospital, Sari, Iran, with more than 430 surgeries annually, 2000-2011
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Farmaniyeh, Nikan and Yas Sepid Hospital, Tehran, Iran, with more than 400 surgeries annually, 2011-2012
  • Neurosurgeon at Iranian Hospital, Dubai, 2022-2023
  • Since 2015, he has been working as a reference doctor for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with Discogel and has trained many doctors of spine-related specialties in various countries of the Middle East and CIS in person/practically and online.



  • Individual training sessions under the direct supervision of Professor Jacques Theron in Discogel treatment, 2008-2020
  • Training sessions under the supervision of Professor Thierry Boye on spinal implants, 2007
  • Participation and presentation in several national and international medical and neuro-spinal conferences
  • Board certificate by Iran Neurosurgery Board, 2001
  • Neurosurgery assistant training course, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, 1996-2001 (In 2001, he graduated from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with the first rank in the country.
  • His thesis the titled:The Application of human amniotic membrane in repair of dura matter in dogs.” ( It was happening for the first time in the world. )
  • General medical education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, 1984-1993


Published books:

  • CT scan of the brain for doctors
  • Etiology and treatment of painful spine disorders
  • Atlas of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of spine disorders
  • The most common mistakes in the treatment of spinal disorders
  • Reading brain CT scan in simple language (3rd place in the book of the year)
  • Treatment of head and spine injuries

Publications and articles:

  • Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of DISCOGEL® (https://www.researchgate.net/)
  • Muscle recovery, reduction of pain, and improvement of movement strategies in patients with lumbar discopathy after injection of Discogel.
  • The article on the initial results of the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection, which won the second-best poster rank at the Pan Arab International Congress of Interventional Radiology (March 14-16, 2015) and was accepted for presentation at the Chicago Pain Congress.
  • The use of human amniotic membrane in dura mater repair in dogs, a study for the first time in the world.



  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2019
  • Chicago International Pain Congress, 2019
  • Iran International Pain Management Congress, 2018
  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2018
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Armenia for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2017
  • First Live Workshop and Seminar on Minimally Invasive Disc Therapy (DISCON), 2017
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Azerbaijan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • Seminar of Iranian official managers, 2016
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Tajikistan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • International Neurological Intervention Congress in Iran, 2014
  • Educational seminar for nurses on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Educational seminar for general practitioners on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Speech at the Retraining Seminar for General Practitioners and Specialists in Dubai (Discon) in 2017
  • Speech in the internal retraining courses of Irani Hospital, Dubai
  • Holding lecture sessions and practical workshops on the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Oman, and Armenia during the years 2015 to 2021.
  • Giving a lecture and holding a practical workshop for neurosurgeons in Vietnam at Ho Chi Minh City University in 2023

Dr. Majid Zohrabi started treating his patients in Dubai in 2022 and continues his activities in private medical centers in the UAE.