

Sertraline, Unlocking The Mysteries/ Benefits Vs Risks

Depression is one of the mental disorders that should be taken seriously and treated like any other physical or mental illness. If you ignore this disease, it may leave irreparable consequences for you. However, how can this disease be treated? One of the ways to treat mental illnesses and disorders like this is drug therapy, and one of the famous drugs used to treat depression and help health is sertraline.

The mentioned drug is one of the famous and widely used drugs that many people are treated with.

What is Acentra sertraline tablet?

Sertraline tablets increase a person’s mood, sleep quality, appetite, and energy level and may also help restore interest in daily life. For this reason, it is sometimes prescribed as a sleeping pill. This drug may also reduce fear, anxiety, and unwanted thoughts. This drug also reduces obsessive-compulsive behaviors (such as obsessive hand washing, obsessive counting and checking) that interfere with daily life.

Sertraline belongs to the class of antidepressants and is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and a severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

common type of druges

Pharmaceutical forms

Sertraline is available in tablet and oral form. This is one of the most widely used antidepressants in the world. However, you need to know that a psychiatrist should do the prescription and instructions for taking sertraline 50 and 100 tablets. Otherwise, consult a psychiatrist if you want to take this medicine.

  • The common name of the drug

  1. Sertraline

  2. Zoloft (Zoloft, Zoloft)

  3. Ascentra
  • Drug trade names

  Lustral, Daxid, Altruline, Asentra, Besitran, Deprax, Elrval, Emergen, Gladem, Implicane, Sedoran, Sealdin, SerivoLowfin, Stimuloton, Zoloft, Treble

How does sertraline work?

It is known as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). As a result, this drug helps to restore the natural substance called serotonin in the brain.


How to use sertraline and dosage

Before starting to take this drug, carefully read the medication guide inside the box and ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

This medicine is taken orally, with or without food, according to the doctor’s prescription and usually once daily (morning or evening).

It is recommended to take this medicine’s oral capsule, usually after breakfast or dinner.

If you take this medication for menstrual problems, your doctor may prescribe sertraline for each day of the month or just two weeks before your period starts.

The dosage of sertraline depends on the patient’s medical condition and the body’s response to the drug.

To reduce the risk of side effects of this drug, such as dry mouth and confusion, the psychiatrist may start the treatment with low doses and then add it.

Consuming this drug regularly will help you get the most out of it. To help you remember, take this medicine simultaneously each day.

It is essential to take its tablets according to the doctor’s prescription.

If you feel better, continue taking sertraline, and do not stop taking that without consulting a psychiatrist.

In the first 2-3 weeks of treatment with this medicine, you may not see any improvement in your health; however, continue to take medicine.

At the beginning of treatment with this drug, your uncomfortable thoughts may increase but do not worry. You should know that these thoughts are caused by the use of this drug and the start of its effectiveness, and they will disappear over time. In these cases, it is better to share your thoughts with your relatives, counselor, and psychiatrist and act consciously to resolve them.

Sertraline,-Unlocking-The-Mysteries 2

Sertraline is a happy pill.

You have probably heard that sertraline is a happy pill. This is true. However, is it prescribed for happiness? Sertraline 50 tablets, Asentra, or other common names are prescribed to regulate the level of serotonin in the body. The adjustment of this neurotransmitter in the body causes the symptoms of depression, which include discomfort and fatigue, to be resolved. Therefore, happiness becomes colorful, and the nervous health and mood of the person improve.

This medicine is prescribed for people over 18 years old. If a person has symptoms of depression, he can benefit from the happy effects of this drug, according to the doctor’s opinion.

Sertraline tablets are fattening.

Serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants cause obesity. Therefore, obesity is one of the side effects of Sertraline 50. Fluoxetine is like this drugSo; if beauty is important to you in addition to health, keep this in mind. The extra weight that occurs after taking antidepressants such as sertraline is several kilos.

Researchers do not know the main reason for weight gain due to the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, but there are theories to explain this issue. It has been said that this drug causes disruption in the body’s metabolism and reduces calorie consumption. These drugs also affect appetite and increase it.

Sertraline tablets are fattening

Sertraline tablets for premature ejaculation

One of the reasons for premature ejaculation is depression. If the depression is resolved, premature ejaculation will also be improved if the reason for its development is depression. Sertraline can help an erection last longer. Of course, this drug is not officially used to treat premature ejaculation, and it has been observed that it has helped prolong erection.

Side effects of sertraline tablets

If your doctor has prescribed it for you, be sure that its benefits outweigh its harms. It is also essential to know that most people who have taken this drug have not experienced severe side effects.

  • Common side effects

Taking sertraline may lead to complications such as the following:

  1. confusion
  2. Drowsiness
  3. dry mouth
  4. Increased sweating
  5. Loss of appetite
  6. stomach ache
  7. diarrhea
  8. sleep problems

If these side effects persist or worsen, contact your doctor immediately.

sertraline-Common side effects
  • Serious side effects

Call an emergency medical center immediately if you experience any severe side effects of this drug, such as the following.                      

  • Abnormal bleeding or bruising
  • Decreased libido (delayed ejaculation)
  • muscle cramp
  • shaking
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Rare side effects

If you see this drug’s rare but severe side effects like the following, contact your doctor immediately.

  • Dark or bloody stools
  • Vomiting in the form of coffee
  • Eye pain, swelling, or redness
  • pupil dilation
  • Vision changes (such as seeing rainbows around light sources at night)
Abnormal bleeding or bruising

Is sertraline a sleeping pill?

Sertraline sedation is not usual. However, this drug can cause drowsiness. In some cases, it has been observed that this drug has increased drowsiness and violence, in which case the psychiatrist must be informed. In cases where sertraline drug was used with alcohol and marijuana, symptoms such as drowsiness were aggravated.

Serotonin syndrome

This drug increases the level of serotonin in the body and has rarely led to a severe condition called serotonin syndrome/toxicity. Also, this risk increases with the use of other drugs that increase the level of serotonin, so let your doctor know about all the drugs you are taking. If you experience side effects such as heart palpitations, hallucinations, incoordination in movements, severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea, muscle tremors, unexplained fever, confusion, and unexplained lethargy, call emergency medical services immediately.


Related: “What Is The Difference Between Intermittent, Remittent, And Relapsing Fever?

Serotonin syndrome

Reference: “www.mdpi.com

Allergic side effects

It is essential to know that a severe allergic reaction to sertraline is rare. However, if you experience a severe allergic reaction such as skin symptoms, itching, swelling (especially in the face, tongue, and throat), severe confusion, and difficulty breathing, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Considering that the complication list needs to be completed, you may encounter a complication that needs to be mentioned. In these cases, consult your doctor or pharmacy doctor.

Sertraline precautions

If you are allergic to sertraline or have any other allergies, consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine. Sertraline may contain inactive ingredients that cause allergies or other problems.

medical record

Before taking sertraline, let your doctor know your medical records and your family’s, especially;

History of bipolar disorder or manic depression

  • Bleeding problems
  • Liver disease
  • convulsions
  • Thyroid disease
  • Family history of glaucoma (angle-closure type).

Taking sertraline tablets during pregnancy

Researchers are not sure if drugs that inhibit the absorption of serotonin cause problems in the fetus, but in some cases, high pulmonary blood pressure has been observed. For this reason, using sertraline during pregnancy is not recommended, and it is better to change the drug or consider non-pharmacological treatment methods.

If you are pregnant, use sertraline only if necessary because it may harm the fetus.

 Also, babies of mothers treated with sertraline in the last three months of pregnancy rarely showed signs of drug withdrawal, such as feeding and breathing problems, seizures, muscle contraction, or continuous crying. If you notice any of these side effects in your baby, inform the doctor immediately.

Taking sertraline tablets during pregnancy

Can I drink alcohol while taking sertraline?

One of the most essential and common questions is whether alcohol can be consumed while taking sertraline tablets. The general recommendation while taking sertraline is to avoid alcohol consumption altogether. Even a tiny amount of alcohol can interfere with sertraline and cause unwanted side effects. Combining alcohol and sertraline can cause side effects, and drinking alcohol can make depression worse.


Is it appropriate to take Acentra and Fluoxetine at the same time?

In some cases, it has been seen that people use Fluoxetine along with Asentra (Sertraline). Fluoxetine is also an antidepressant. There is a belief that if used simultaneously with sertraline, the effectiveness of the drug increases and depression can be treated faster. However, taking these two drugs together can cause serious side effects and is not recommended. These two drugs are taken together only if the doctor has prescribed them after a complete examination of the individual’s condition.



Sertraline belongs to the family of serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants, which are prescribed for various disorders such as the treatment of depression, fear attacks, anxiety disorders and obsessions.

This work helps to eliminate the symptoms of depression, fear attacks, and many other disorders related to mood in some people and helps improve their health. Sertraline is also used in the treatment of premature ejaculation due to the reduction of sexual desire.

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Author and specialist

Dr. Majid Zahrabi,


  • Board Certified Neurosurgeon
  • DHA certificate holder
  • Plantation certificate holder, France
  • Certified holder of Discogol, France
  • A pioneer in the non-surgical treatment of disc herniation in the Middle East and CIS countries.
  • Under the training and coaching of Professor Jacques Theron (founder of Discogel Therapy) since 2008
  • More than 400 successful cervical and 1300 lumbar discogel injections
  • Trained and certified several neurosurgeons and spine surgeons in the Middle East and CIS countries for the treatment of Discogel
  • Strong belief in patient-centered care planning and participation
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Imam Khomeini and Amir Mazandarani Hospital, Sari, Iran, with more than 430 surgeries annually, 2000-2011
  • Neurosurgeon and spine surgeon at Farmaniyeh, Nikan and Yas Sepid Hospital, Tehran, Iran, with more than 400 surgeries annually, 2011-2012
  • Neurosurgeon at Iranian Hospital, Dubai, 2022-2023
  • Since 2015, he has been working as a reference doctor for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with Discogel and has trained many doctors of spine-related specialties in various countries of the Middle East and CIS in person/practically and online.



  • Individual training sessions under the direct supervision of Professor Jacques Theron in Discogel treatment, 2008-2020
  • Training sessions under the supervision of Professor Thierry Boye on spinal implants, 2007
  • Participation and presentation in several national and international medical and neuro-spinal conferences
  • Board certificate by Iran Neurosurgery Board, 2001
  • Neurosurgery assistant training course, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran, 1996-2001 (In 2001, he graduated from Isfahan University of Medical Sciences with the first rank in the country.
  • His thesis the titled:The Application of human amniotic membrane in repair of dura matter in dogs.” ( It was happening for the first time in the world. )
  • General medical education, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, 1984-1993


Published books:

  • CT scan of the brain for doctors
  • Etiology and treatment of painful spine disorders
  • Atlas of diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of spine disorders
  • The most common mistakes in the treatment of spinal disorders
  • Reading brain CT scan in simple language (3rd place in the book of the year)
  • Treatment of head and spine injuries

Publications and articles:

  • Bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects of DISCOGEL® (https://www.researchgate.net/)
  • Muscle recovery, reduction of pain, and improvement of movement strategies in patients with lumbar discopathy after injection of Discogel.
  • The article on the initial results of the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection, which won the second-best poster rank at the Pan Arab International Congress of Interventional Radiology (March 14-16, 2015) and was accepted for presentation at the Chicago Pain Congress.
  • The use of human amniotic membrane in dura mater repair in dogs, a study for the first time in the world.



  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2019
  • Chicago International Pain Congress, 2019
  • Iran International Pain Management Congress, 2018
  • Annual Congress of Physiotherapists of Iran, 2018
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Armenia for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2017
  • First Live Workshop and Seminar on Minimally Invasive Disc Therapy (DISCON), 2017
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Azerbaijan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • Seminar of Iranian official managers, 2016
  • Presentation of Discogel as an innovative solution for the treatment of spinal disc herniation in Tajikistan for orthopedic specialists and neurosurgeons, 2016
  • International Neurological Intervention Congress in Iran, 2014
  • Educational seminar for nurses on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Educational seminar for general practitioners on treatment approaches for head and spine trauma, 2014
  • Speech at the Retraining Seminar for General Practitioners and Specialists in Dubai (Discon) in 2017
  • Speech in the internal retraining courses of Irani Hospital, Dubai
  • Holding lecture sessions and practical workshops on the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation with discogel injection in Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Oman, and Armenia during the years 2015 to 2021.
  • Giving a lecture and holding a practical workshop for neurosurgeons in Vietnam at Ho Chi Minh City University in 2023

Dr. Majid Zohrabi started treating his patients in Dubai in 2022 and continues his activities in private medical centers in the UAE.