It is no secret that girls develop differently than boys. These differences are not only related to how their bodies grow. Instead, they can also be seen in how their brains grow and develop. These developmental differences can make it more difficult to tell if a girl has ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a brain disorder characterized by inattention or impulsive behavior patterns. These behaviors can interfere with daily activities.
Because the symptoms of ADHD vary among girls, many girls are misdiagnosed. This can prevent girls from receiving help that will improve their lives. It is estimated that 50-75% of ADHD cases in girls go undiagnosed.
Symptoms of ADHD in women are different.
There are three main types of ADHD: inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, and combined inattention-hyperactivity-impulsivity. This type of neglect is more common in girls.
Moreover, one of the most common symptoms associated with ADHD in women is hyperactivity. Hyperactivity, restlessness and inability to sit still are typical behaviors of boys with this disorder. However, these cases are not always present in girls with ADHD.
The following behaviors may indicate ADHD in girls:
Girls may also be affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder if they experience:
It is not clear why ADHD manifests differently in girls. These differences make it more challenging to diagnose this disorder in girls. Sometimes, people recognize the symptoms but ignore them. Due to their diverse nature, these symptoms may be attributed to immature behavior or another disorder.
If this disorder is not treated, it may cause a drop in grades or the inability to manage friendships, resulting in low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is linked to more significant problems such as depression, anxiety and swallowing disorders.
Recent research has shown that young women with ADHD are three to four times more likely to commit suicide. They are also two to three times more likely to self-mutilate.
In many cases, ADHD in girls is often observed in the classroom. A teacher is more likely to raise the possibility of ADHD because he or she observes how the student interacts in the classroom and on the playground. Your child’s counselor may also perform specific tests. These tests may include checking for symptoms and a medical examination to rule out other conditions causing these symptoms. Your child’s counselor will likely want to know the following:
Sometimes, it is necessary to combine different treatments. Your child’s teacher may need to create a unique educational plan for him. Eliminating any extra clutter can help reduce your child’s distractions. The doctor may suggest similar changes at home. These adjustments may help the child overcome everyday challenges.
If needed, the doctor may also prescribe medication to help them focus and manage other ADHD symptoms.
Symptoms of ADHD in women can change over time. However, hormones can also cause them to change. You may find that hormonal changes—during your menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, and when you enter menopause—affect how well your medications work or control your symptoms.
Improper nutrition during pregnancy can cause hyperactivity disorder in a girl or boy. Researchers believe that mothers who have consumed fat, sugar and processed foods during pregnancy are much more likely to have a child with behavioral problems. The researchers concluded that the mother’s diet during pregnancy could affect the epigenetic changes in the baby’s brain.
These changes affect the genetic code and turn genes on and off in a person. About ADHD, a diet rich in sugar and fat turns on the IGF2 gene, leading to ADHD in the infant’s brain. The more the IGF2 gene is expressed, the higher the symptoms of ADHD among children aged 7 to 13 years. For this reason, pregnant women are advised not to consume processed foods rich in sugar and fat to prevent the formation of such genetic changes in the brain of their unborn baby.
Women with ADHD may feel that they are at a disadvantage compared to those who do not have the condition. However, specific characteristics of ADHD can make them suitable hires in a position that benefits from their unique characteristics.
high energy
People with hyperactivity are usually energetic and can use this trait positively. There are many jobs where this extra energy can be beneficial. Moreover, perform many tasks very well.
Women with ADHD can be creative, which means developing new ideas.
The brains of women with ADHD produce more theta waves than normal brains. Such waves indicate a state of deep relaxation. These differences in the brain mean that affected people are often calm in critical situations and can perform well by thinking in critical situations. This is very beneficial when people must make quick decisions or work under extreme stress. For example, we can mention fire personnel, emergency doctors and nurses, and police officers.
Women with ADHD can be a great asset to employers. The following are more specific examples of jobs in which these people are helpful.
These jobs attract very caring and empathetic people who can put themselves in other people’s shoes to understand others empathically. These jobs also require passion and dedication to help those in need. Women with ADHD tend to have these traits and can excel in such roles.
These jobs need people who can make essential decisions quickly and have little stress. People with ADHD may pay attention to things that others do not. These features are helpful in jobs that require people to follow carefully and make essential choices. In addition, they may find unique solutions to complex problems, seeing patterns where others see only chaos.
Women with ADHD are not only creative but also enjoy movement and activity. Schools can be high-energy places where teachers must deal with multiple problems simultaneously. Kindergarten teachers and coaches are also often on their feet. Additionally, children may enjoy the high energy women with ADHD provide them, which can lead to good student-teacher relationships.
Entrepreneurship is a career in which women with ADHD can thrive. People with ADHD have a high risk-taking ability, which can be a massive advantage in these careers. The flexible nature of entrepreneurship can also be beneficial for those with ADHD. be attractive
Journalism involves meeting many people. Journalists are often on the move and need a high level of creativity. This profession usually requires people to work in different fields. It also avoids the routine of many jobs, which can be challenging for those struggling with inattentive and hyperactive ADHD symptoms.
Having hyperactivity or ADHD can be a big challenge in a woman’s life, but it is a problem that children and adults can learn to adapt to and control.
Although there is no definitive cure for this disease, people who receive the proper care can reach their full potential and enjoy a happy and fulfilling life.
Women with ADHD often have desirable characteristics that make them great candidates for specific roles. People with this disease should focus their job search on roles that require high energy, creativity, crisis management and flexibility. Some of the careers that people with ADHD can thrive in include entrepreneurs, social workers, police officers, and teachers.
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Dr. Majid Zohrabi started treating his patients in Dubai in 2022 and continues his activities in private medical centers in the UAE.